Mosfet Audio Amplifier Kit
circuit is an audio amplifier capable of delivering a decent output power with a minimum no: of parts , with considerable sound quality.
To get such a good performance and stability out of few components, a high quality well regulated DC power supply is necessary. This is very essential for reducing noise and getting a constant output power on varying loads. A good DC voltage regulator able of providing more than 2 Amps 40V can be used.You can expect such a power supply design very soon here in the power supply section.
Mosfet Audio Amplifier Circuit
amplifier employs only one transistor and two MOSFETs and few resistors and capacitors in a shunt feedback scheme.This tiny circuit can can deliver a whopping 18Watts into 8 Ohm speaker or 30W into a 4 Ohm speaker.
R1 2K2 1/4W Resistance, R2 27K 1/4W Resistance, R3,R4 2K2 1/2W Trimmers, R5 100R 1/4W Resistance
R6 1K 1/4W Resistance, R7,R8 330R 1/4W Resistance, C1 22µF 25V Electrolytic
Capacitance, C2 47pF 63V Polyester or Ceramic Capacitance, C3,C4 100µF 50V Electrolytic Capacitance, C5 2200µF 50V Electrolytic Capacitance, Q1 BC550C, Q2 IRF530 or MTP12N10, Q3 IRF9530 or MTP12P10