The power amplifier circuit using MOSFET has been very popular, because the sound is very aggressive, as compared to transistors and ICs.
It can be low-frequency and high-frequency response as well, it is highly durable. Usually, if compared with the same sound. It will devices less. Due to the bias the voltage. Easier to control current. But some people say. If the power MOSFET output loss, more expensive power transistors. I agree with this, but,Is it not so bad. Today I have
circuit collection of more than 150 watts of power, so it is a good idea for you. Hope this is helpful.
Circuit Mosfet Amp K1530 J201
Younger student brother will take an interest to do electronics project sends a teacher. Then come to consult with me. He wants to build
Mosfet power Amplifier 300W rms model the stereo Amp. Which be the character OCL the sound is good.
I then try to seek the circuit gives him sees in rows the way , accidentally meet this circuit. which design by Anthony.E.Holton. He designs this circuit well. Use power 2SK1530+2SJ201 MOSFET x 4 jigsaw puzzle parallel amounts. make have power amplify tall arrive at about 300W rms true power FULL watt. Detail other part want friends see in original circuit.