Circuit Power Amplifier AF STK4231II
The STK4231 is Hybrid IC of Sanyo, in the family of STK4201II. Can provide a high
power output to 100 watts per channel. And When connected to the bridge adapter with output altitude of about 400 watts is incredible.
Built-in muting circuit to cut off various kinds of pop noise. Greatly reduced heat sink-due to case temperature 125 degrees Celsius. Excellent cost performance.
As this circuit, we can design the OCL amplifier 100 watts each channel. Will see that, this circuit consists of only a few external components. The capacitor C9,C10 is used to reduce noise at high frequencies. The input coupling capacitor are Bolt C1,C11.
The boost trapping capacitor are C3 and C13. If the value is too low, resulting distortion increases torque at low frequency. To reduce oscillation by C5, C8. which reduces the impedance of the power supply circuit to suit the use of IC. Setting gain ratio of
circuit, which is defined by R5 = 560 and R4=56K will be total gain is VG = 40dB.