The 2N3055
transistor is a silicon NPN power transistor intended for general purpose applications. It was introduced in the early 1960's by RCA using their "hometaxial" power transistor process. It was one of the first silicon power transistors, offered unrivalled second breakdown immunity and found many applications particularly in audio power amplifiers and linear power supplies.
Here is a very simple circuit that will provide high voltage (15-40kV) sparks using a common ignition coil. The input is 12VDC at around 5 to 6 amps. Mine produces sparks that are about 3/4" to 1" in length. A 2N3055 power
transistor is pulsed with a square wave signal that comes from the 555 IC Timer. The frequency of the pulses depends on the resistors between pins 7 and 8 and between pins 7 and 6.
The pulse is also dependent on the capacitor. You can experiment with these values. Try inserting a smaller capacitor to raise the frequency. At different frequencies the sparks will change certain characteristics. At a high frequency the sparks will get fatter but shorter in length. At lower frequencies the spark maybe longer but thinner. I assembled my project on a solderless breadboard. You can use whatever you like. The capacitor should be a tantalum or mylar type, but this is not absolutely necessary. A ceramic type should work fine just as long as the temperature is not too high around it.