logic gate is an entity in electronics and mathematics Boolean that change one or more logic inputs to a logic output signal. Especially logic gates implemented electronically using diodes or transistors, but can also be built using a composition of components that utilize the properties of electromagnetic (relay), fluids, optical and even mechanical.
kinds of logic gates:
NOT gate
NOT gate is often also called inverters or inverting. The logic of this gate is to reverse what was input into it. Usually its input consists of only one leg. When the incoming input is 1, the resulting output is 0. If the incoming input is 0, then the results of its output is 1. Lot NOT gate is the application of digital circuits, although its function is very simple.
AND gate
AND gate has a characteristic logic where if the input value entered is 0, then the final output would be worth 0. If both inputs are given the value 1, then the output results will be worth 1 as well. Logic AND gate may be compared as a circuit with two switches arranged in series. If one of them broke the circuit, then the results issued from the circuit is 0. No matter whichever switch was decided the end result is 0. When the two switches connected to the same circuit, then the end result is worth 1.
OR gate
OR gate is described as a summing gate. Different OR gate NOT gate which has only one input, this gate has at least 2 lines of input. This means that their input could be more than two, eg four or eight. What is clear is that all logic gates always have only one output. OR gate can be said to have a characteristic "side 1", where the characteristics of logic will always release the results of the output value of 1 if there is only one input that is worth 1. So this logic gates do not care how much value the input on both sides, provided that one or both are worth 1, then the output would also be worth 1. Logic OR gate can be likened as a circuit with two switches are connected in parallel.